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The zYpper music lab is a project meant for the most passionate electronic music lovers. Basically, zYpper Music Lab helps you perfect your musical skills, the emphasis being put on spinning music. Music labs are currently in the promotional phase. They bring together all those music lovers who want to become a DJ.  In the future they will be able to learn the basic skills and also professional relationships on how to become a DJ. With the right time and space, we believe that we will enable a top-notch transfer of knowledge and development opportunities for every individual, either a beginner, connoisseur, or an entirely professional DJ. Join us if your heart calls you to the mixing desk, if you are interested in how to become a DJ, or if you simply enjoy spinning.


"Join the movement to meet, have fun and connect with like-minded people at various secret location events."




Just make that step and get in touch with us about trenning center and DJ academy. We are here to find the right spot in our community We will answer it as soon possible and feel free to drop you phone number to make


To register, please take the time to fill out the information below.


To register, please take the time to fill out the information below.


Trening center zajema najem prostora in komplet opreme za vrtenje. Izbran termin zajema 1h in 45 min vadbenega časa, ki ga lahko namenite za osebno sproščanje ob vrtenju glasbe, izpopolnjevanje spretnosti vtrenja, pripravo na gig ali celo snemanje seta.


2x Pioneer CDJ 2000

1x Pioneer DJM 2000

1x Technics RP-DJ 1210

2x Yamaha HS80

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